Create your reserved area in your web site for your customers.
They will have to register to access to your private docs.

Once the plugin will be installed, on backend , you will create your reserved docs and you will have a shortcode to use in the front end to display the content in the position you wish of your page.

Reserved Area

Plugin Installation:

  1. Download the ZIP file after purchase and put it into your computer folder (download or desktop) .
  2. Access to your WordPress Web Site, go to plugin section, click on upload plugin.
  3. Select the folder where you saved your plugin just downloaded.
  4. Upload your plugin , install, then activate it.
  5. Look on the left at top position on the WordPress admin sidebar where you will find the new plugin menu “Reserved Area”.
  6. Start to write your reserved docs.

Plugin Setup :

1 – Create you “Reserved Area” page with slug : “reserved-area”.

2 – Add to your “Reserved Area” page the shortcode [wew_reserved_area]

Thats’ it ! 🙂

Available Lang : En, It.

For further info check our file into plugin folder for help.